Classic Cinemas

What if you could take the best parts of the movie going experience and streamline them all into one app, only better?


Classic Cinemas needed an edge to entice movie goers. My team and I would need to look into the entire digital landscape and design an app that not only addressed the user experience, but the customer experience as well.


We started by performing a competitive analysis of the most post popular movie apps available. The results were mixed. While there were a lot of apps that did one thing well, there wasn’t one that did all things well. To make something that truly satisfied all consumer needs we would have to create something entirely new. From there we began to map out not just the online experience, but the entire movie going experience.

User Flows

Movie going isn’t really a complex experience, and so neither was our user flow. Where we found the biggest challenge was the payment. However with mobile security at an acceptable level our biggest challenge became our biggest benefit. To attach the payment options to the account the app would remove all obstacles from the consumer’s path.


The first few screen were meant to entice users into the experience. Once the user was logged in they will be presented with movies for the closest theater, unless they had selected a favorite.

The remainder of the process is where we were able create an innovative customer experience. We would allow to consumers to bypass not only the ticket window, but the concession stand as well. Depending on the theater users would visit a station for online consumers only. The employees would visit the counter and through the app have a bar-code scanned and the food would either be served there or brought to their seats for them.


Movie posters are one of the most iconic means of story telling. Our app would have to be just as engaging to get movie goers excited and start clicking. This would start with the loading screen.

This is why we love the iteration process. By moving quickly through the architecture we were able to expand our experience to include items we hadn’t thought of, such as expanding the description area.

We originally had only thought of social media as a way for movie lovers to share their experience. However a great added benefit was personalizing the seat selection by adding their avatar.

A lot of great features in these last few screens. Concession allowed for users to either buy their favorites combos or to select from their favorite treat category. In the checkout process rewards program members would be able to use their point towards their total.


This app deserved a movie poster of its own. With the research, architecture and design all working together to produce a well though out consumer experience. A complete team success and a great project to remember.